Advantages & Disadvantages of Video Games on Students

Advantages & Disadvantages of Video Games on Students

Honestly speaking, we do not see any kid or teenager who does not play video games nowadays. It has become a trend now, especially for school students. Most of the time they do not realize the advantages & disadvantages of video games. They tend to do that thing that they feel interested in just like playing video games. It is the duty of their parents or guardians who look after them to let them understand the benefits & negative sides regarding what they are doing. Today we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of video games on students.

Playing video games was a thing of luxury back then when there was no mobile phone available. After the popularity of Smartphones, students are playing mobile games everywhere, starting from their bedroom even while traveling in the car. Kids are sometimes insisted to play video games on mobile. PC or Gaming Console Based video games are more popular for high school or maybe for college students. Though the platforms are different. No one buys a phone just to play games. But if you are buying a PC or Gaming Console like PS5, Xbox Series X, or Nintendo Switch then your main motive will stick to gaming. We have seen then students are having Gaming laptops Within Budget to play modern games. Some of them may be full-time gamers & some of them may be hobbyists. If we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of video games on students then there is no way to keep those things separate from one another. So here are the advantages and disadvantages you should learn regarding playing video games for students.

Advantages of Video Games on Students

People who do not play video games may see this with a negative sight. But a study has proven that playing video games consists of various advantages. There are of course some disadvantages as well. But first here are the advantages of playing video games on students:

Advantages & Disadvantages of Video Games on Students

1. Improves Education

Believe it or not, video games can improve the education of students drastically. Advanced gaming system not just includes entertaining part, many games are used for education purpose. Research has proven that in those classrooms where teachers are teaching their students with the help of video games, the students are getting high scores on that particular subject. That is why Military & medical training programs include simulation-style gaming to let them learn various kinds of strategies & techniques.

2. Logical & Problem Solving Encouragement

Video games are not just based on fighting & shooting down enemies. There are numerous video games where the main problem is to solve various mysteries & problems using logic. Those games encourage employee tracking to be more logical & they can obtain more problem-solving power. For example, Minecraft is a very popular game where gamers tend to find & build their own world. This game includes a high level of logic & creativity. Playing this game will sure develop the creativity in students. There are also some puzzle games where the gamers need a high level of strategy to solve those problems. If the students use to play those games then sure their brain will develop faster in case of solving logical issues.

3. Improves Brain Function & Decision Making Ability

Video games can also help to improve the brain function of a student. While playing a game the students need to think of different strategies to apply in different situations. This also includes brainstorming & quick decision making, This also improves the quick thinking ability of students which can be very helpful in study. If the students can apply what they are obtaining through playing video games then it is sure that their study will be improved as well.

4. Real Life Experience

Most of the video games are based on unreal scenarios. But sometimes the video games are so realistic & based on real-life experiences that almost seem real. Here the character suffers numerous problems to be successful & also the character must keep patience. When a student plays this type of game s/he will get attached to the game & think that the problems are his/her own & s/he need to fight for those. For example, Horizon Zero Dawn is a RolePlaying game where the main character suffers a lot from her childhood & grows up in a hard situation. The student who is playing this game also may understand that real life is not that easy just like in the video game. S/he needs to fight for a different thing to be successful in life. Also, good decision-making is necessary for his/her life.

5. Teaches Team Work

This can be the most remarkable benefit of playing video games. There are many cooperation & multiplayer games where the students need to form a team to win the game. Most First Person & Third Person Shooting Games like Fortnite, Call of Duty, Apex Legends, CS: GO requires a team to play. For example, The best Apex Legends Players are successful in gaming only because of teamwork. Just like that, through video games, students can also learn teamwork & the value of their friends in real-life situations.

Disadvantages of Video Games on Students

There are many disadvantages of playing video games as well. The most dangerous disadvantages are given below:

1. Causes Addiction

This is the most common disadvantage or negative side of video games that can be very dangerous for student life. Did you know that WHO added “Gaming Disorder” in its International Classification of Disease? It is true. We have seen many students who are addicted to video games & for them; video gaming is beyond anything, even beyond their study. The reason behind this is most of the games are made to raise attraction. If you complete a level then you will be eager to complete the next one until the game is finished. Also, there are several types of games to that one student may get addicted. When the students are addicted to only video games then they cannot concentrate on other staffs including study.

2. Encourages Violence

This is another disadvantage of video games that are being evolved in recent years. Video games are increasing violent behavior in students, especially for children who are playing games related to cruelty & killing. When one student is killing & doing violence-related staff s/he may think that those things are also possible in real life. If one student is too addicted to this type of game then s/he think of killing or hurting people for small reasons. This type of behavior also may arise terrorism in the future.

3. Keeps Students Isolated from Active Sports

When students are too much addicted to games, in their leisure time they only tend to play video games sitting in their rooms. Thus they are creating social distance from others & also keeping themselves separate from active sports like football, badminton, basketball, or any other children’s game. This behavior also spreads negatively in their life.

4. Negative Effect on Health

The last one & maybe the most common problem that video games cause is a health problem. Playing video games for a long period can damage student’s eyes. No matter which device you are using, Mobile Phone, PC, or Gaming Console, if you put your eyes on the screen for a long time then sure it will affect your eyes. Also just sitting in one place for hours may cause a backbone problem. Playing games for too long also may affect your sleeping & cause a sleepless night. Seizures, Obesity, Muscular Disorders, Postural Defects, Skeletal Disorders, etc. Are common health problems that can be the cause of video games!

Now you know the advantages & disadvantages of video games on students. There are always two sides to a coin, just like that video game includes both negative & positive sides. You should try to avoid the negativity & adopt the positive sides of video games for a proper gaming experience.

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